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Will hemp make me high?
No. There are no psychoactive ingredients in Industrial hemp. Hemp will not make you high! Just healthy.
Is hemp safe for children?
Absolutely! Hemp is a nutrient-dense food and suitable for children’s’ diets. Hemp is a great way to add in easy nutrition.
Is hemp safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women?
Yes! Hemp is highly nutritious and can be safely consumed when pregnant and/or breastfeeding.
How do hemp hearts compare to other seeds?
Hemp Hearts are little soft seeds that are similar in taste to sunflower seeds or pine nuts. They do not need to be prepared and are ready to use straight from the pouch—easy-peasy! Hemp Hearts contain twice the amount of protein compared to flax or chia, and they’re lower in carbohydrates. They are healthy sources of a broader spectrum of omegas including the rare GLA.
Is there CBD in hemp foods?
No—hemp foods do not contain CBD. CBD (cannabinoids) are sourced from another part of the plant and are used for medicinal purposes.